I visited Turkey in October 2022. It was a relatively rapid tour of many locations in western and central Turkey. Having said that, my round-trip journey from Istanbul was over 1000 km. I was fortunate to see several classic sites in Turkey such as Troy, Ephesus and Cappadocia as well as some of the more modern Turkey in Istanbul and Ankara. My visit to the Gallipoli peninsula was sobering as it brought home to me the horrific loss of life suffered by both Allies and Ottoman Turks.
Turkey, unusually spans two continents, Europe and Asia, and has an incredibly rich history involving the influence of civilizations in both these continents together with northern Africa.
My photography here was mostly landscape and architectural. Some of the sights are highly photogenic, whether of ancient architecture or classic buildings erected in the last few hundred years. I was in two minds whether to embark on a balloon ride in Cappadocia but I was not disappointed by my decision. My journey on a cold, crystal-clear morning was unforgettable and the images I took will continue to provide me with vivid memories.
The blue Mosque
The blue Mosque
Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul
Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus Istanbul
Cruise ship moored on the Bosphorus, Istanbul
Cruise ship moored on the Bosphorus, Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus, Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus, Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus, Istanbul
View from the Bosphorus, Istanbul
The Grand Bazaar, Istanbul
The Grand Bazaar, Istanbul
Ruins of the Asklepion medical centre, Pergamon
Ruins of the Asklepion medical centre, Pergamon
 Gallipoli peninsula with a cemetary in the foreground
Gallipoli peninsula with a cemetary in the foreground
Ephesus with the library in the centre
Ephesus with the library in the centre
Cats like the statues in Ephesus
Cats like the statues in Ephesus
The massive Ephesus amphitheatre
The massive Ephesus amphitheatre
Shallow pools of calca, Pamukkale
Shallow pools of calca, Pamukkale
Sarcophagus at Hierapolis
Sarcophagus at Hierapolis
Fairy chimneys  Cappadocia
Fairy chimneys Cappadocia
Balloons in Cappadocia
Balloons in Cappadocia
Mount Erciyes near Cappadocia
Mount Erciyes near Cappadocia
Selimiye Mosque, Konya
Selimiye Mosque, Konya
The Mausoleum of Ataturk
The Mausoleum of Ataturk

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